Project Category: New Projects

North Aurora Fire Station No. 1

A new state-of-the-art 27,000 sf fire house that will serve as the fire district’s headquarters and community gathering facility. 


Ball Horticultural Seed Distribution Facility

Ball Horticultural Company is expanding their existing Seed Distribution Facility at their West Chicago Global Headquarters in 3 Phases. Phase 1 is well underway and will consist of a new 22,000 sf precast addition to their existing building with a 2,000-sf mezzanine. Phase 2 will consist of the partial interior renovation of the existing adjacent 20,000 sf building. Then once a portion of the existing building is renovated, Phase 3 will commence with the renovation of the remaining building all while continuing to support their seed distribution operation.


Glen Ellyn Park District Johnson Center

The new 14,000 sf operations facility include’ s administration offices, fleet maintenance, workshops, and storage as well as an exterior sheltered bulk material shortage area


DuPage County Forest Preserve District – Danada House

To sustain the pastoral image and continue its over 40 years history of one of Chicagoland’s most premier wedding venues, major renovation plans led by Allen + Pappa Architects are well underway to the Du Page County Forest Preserve District historic Danada House in Wheaton, Illinois.

Built as part of Dan and Ada Rice’s racehorse training estate in 1939, the 19-room country mansion will continue to serve as a special event facility set within the 800-acre Danada Forest Preserve upon is much needed renovation which is on schedule to begin in April 2024.


Tucker Ranch Health and Wellness Park

The new 25.6-acres development within the existing 209 acre park will make way for the Tucker Ranch Holistic Health, Wellness, Teaching Farm, and Family Activity Center with a new retreat center for programming and classes, edible and teaching gardens, an outdoor teaching kitchen, greenhouses, and a new trail system with exercise nodes to connect to the park’s existing playground, nature trails, picnic areas, and a canoe/kayak launch.


Village of Libertyville – Nicholas Dowden Park

7.5-acre park renovation for the Village of Libertyville. The project included site detention, pickleball courts, basketball courts, tennis courts, a linear skate park, and a walking loop


Featherstone Facts

Average Bid to Build Variance -3.11%,
Average Value for Fee at 145%
Last 5 years – 5 Fabulous Parks
Last 5 years – 5 Fantastic Libraries
Multiple, Decades-Longstanding, Client Relationships – The Morton Arboretum, Chicago Botanic Garden, Brookfield Zoo, the Wauconda Public Library, The Schaumburg Township District Library