Forest Preserve District of Cook County / Glencoe, Illinois
A new LEED® Gold Certified 38,000 sq. ft. Plant Conservation Science Center with state-of-the-art laboratories and teaching facilities for over 200 Ph.D. scientists, land managers, students and research staff. Includes teaching facilities required for a unique doctoral program in plant biology and conservation that the Chicago Botanic Garden conducts with Northwestern University.
Chicago Botanic Garden
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL 60022
2011 Merit for New Construction
Suburbs, Chicago Buillding Congress
2011 Award of Merit for Higher
Education/Research, Midwest
Construction Magazine
2010 Laboratory of the Year
R+D Magazine
Category: New Construction
Budget: $29,100,000
They exhibit an excellent work ethic and function well with architects, engineers, garden staff, board members and donors.
– William W. Brown
The Chicago Botanic Garden