Crystal Lake, Illinois
Redevelopment of a 450 acre sand and gravel quarry into a new public recreation area. The project includes the development of new city streets, bridges, decks, parking lots, and the entire utility infrastructure to support the new and proposed developments. The recreation area includes various buildings, swimming, picnicking, and fishing areas, as well as two boat marinas.
5517 Northwest Hwy
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Bill Inman
Senior Vice President
Hitchcock Design
2011 Honor Award
American Council of Engineers
2011 Outstanding Facility Award
American Public Works Association
Category: Lake & Wetland Restoration
Budget: $14,100,000
Through extreme project challenges, Featherstone’s team still delivered this project on time, under budget and to the highest quality.
– Bill Inman
Sr. Vice President
Hitchcock Design Group